

Suzhou MECCAN Precision Manufacturing Co. Ltd

Suzhou MECCAN Precision Manufacturing Co. Ltd., who takes technology as the core competitiveness, focuses on R & D, production and sales of steel-wood furniture. Advanced technology and excellent quality make our company be a partner of IKEA, Newell and other world famous companies. We employs well-known designers and senior engineers as consultants...

Introduction of equipment strength of MECCAN

Automatically tubing and cutting as well as cold-sawing machine, Automatically cutting machine, Automatically deburring machine, Laser cutting machine, Robot welding machine, Punching machine, Resistant welding machine, 3D bending machine, self-feeding flattening machine ...

Video show

Suzhou MECCAN Precision Manufacturing Co. Ltd., who takes technology as the core competitiveness, focuses on R & D, production and sales of steel-wood furniture. Advanced technology and excellent quality make our company be a partner of IKEA, Newell and other world famous companies.


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Copyright ? 2019,  Suzhou MECCAN Precision Manufacturing Co. Ltd  Su ICP 09022766

Technical Support:HuiCheng

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